Features of JAVA | Core Java Tutorial | Minigranth

Features Of Java : Introduction

  • Since we are done with the basics overview and history of java programming language. Now it's time to see some of the major features of java which makes it one of the most widely used and accepted language. 
  • There are many features of Java which makes it better than other programming languages and these features of Java are also termed as Java Buzzwords. Let’s see these features of Java- :

This image describes the basic features of java and these features proves that why it is one of the most loved programming language.
Features Of Java

Features Of Java : The Discussion

  1. Simple
    • Java is easy to write and more readable and eye catching.
    • Java is concise.
    • All things are ready made because of large library structure of Java.

  2. Secure
    • Java has no explicit pointer hence access to memory is restricted.
    • Java provides a secure means of creating internet applications.
    • Java provides secure way to access web application. Java byte-codes are checked for any illegal code by the byte-code verifier that can violate access rights. Hence Java is a secure language.

  3. Platform Independent
    • Java is platform independent i.e Java code can be run on multiple platforms (here platform is Operating System) like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris etc.
    • Java byte-code are what make Java platform independent. Byte-codes are platform independent and can be run on any platform. Hence Java is Write once Run Anywhere(WORA).

  4. Portable
    • Java byte-codes can be distributed easily and can be run in any platform hence making it portable.

  5. Architecture Independent 
    • Java is architecture independent means that size of primitive data types in Java is not dependent on underlying machine architecture. It is fixed for any architecture and platform.
    • For exampleint size is 4 bytes fixed for 32,64 bit architecture of OS.

  6. Object Oriented
    • Java is a pure Object Oriented Programming language (OOP) .All programs and data reside inside object and class (encapsulated).

  7. Robust
    • Java encourages error-free programming by being strictly typed and performing run-time check. Java allows extensive compile time error checking.
    • It does not support explicit memory pointers, provides garbage collection and exception handling mechanism.

  8. High Performance
    • Java byte-codes are highly optimized. JVM can execute them much faster.
    • It dynamically compiles byte code to machine code.

  9.  Multi-threaded
    • Means handling more than one job at a time within a common memory area.
    • We can define multiple thread(lightweight program) and can perform multiple task within the same program.
    • Java also supports synchronization of threads making programming with threads much easier.

  10. Distributed
    • Java source code can be distribute in form of Java byte-codes.

  11. Dynamic
    • During the execution of a program Java can dynamically load class libraries that it requires.
    • Java supports dynamic loading of classes, methods and objects.