SQL Create Command | SQL Tutorial | Minigranth

SQL CREATE Command : Introduction

  • SQL CREATE command is a type of DDL Command and is among the commands which is primarily used for creating databases and tables. The CREATE command has a particular syntax which needs to be followed In order to create databases or tables with desired structure.
  • Before executing any other functions, we need to create database and it is the first step towards learning SQL.

SQL CREATE Command : Syntax

This image describes the basic syntax for creating a database using SQL create command.
SQL CREATE Command : Syntax


This image describes the basic syntax for creating a table.
SQL CREATE Command : Syntax


This image describes the basic syntax for creating a table with a number of columns.
SQL CREATE Command : Syntax

SQL CREATE Command : Example

  • Consider a database of school named as “db_school“ , containing student_details and teacher_details as two tables present in it.

Step-1 : Create the database first.

Query : CREATE Database db_school;

Step2 : For creating tables in this database. Firstly we need to get inside the database. This can be done using.

Query : USE db_school;

Step-3 : For creating tables in “db_school”, we need to use following query.   

Query-1 : CREATE Table teacher_details(Id int, Name varchar(20), Designation varchar(20));
Query-2 : CREATE Table student_details(Roll_no int, Name varchar(20), Marks int);


ID, Roll_No, Designation, Name, Marks are te columns present in the tables


Int & Varchar are the datatypes used in SQL.

  • Both the tables are now successfully created. If the user wants to check the structure of tables and how they look like, below query can be executed.
Query : Show Tables ;

Points To Ponder

  • To execute any query in SQL, press “Ctrl + Enter”.
  • It is advisable to mention primary key while creating the tables inside the database. Example syntax is mentioned below.
Syntax :  CREATE Table employee(ID int Primary Key, Name Varchar, Dept Varchar(20) );

Here, “ID” of the of an employee will remain unique and can act as a primary key.

  • We will be using the same database “db_school” and same tables “student_details” & “teacher_details” throughout the whole tutorial.